Box 9
Contains 477 Results:
"Minutes of Research Park Advisory Board" Meeting, 1967-10-17
The list of attendees include the following: Tom Dozier, Huntsville Planning Commission; Bob Cope, IBM Branch Office; Bill J. Starnes, Huntsville Planning Commission; M. D. Paul, Chrysler; Ralph Neunlist, Lockheed; A. J. Page, IBM-FSD; W. E. Stapleton, Stanford Research Institute; Ray Roberts, IBM; Ron Radhoff, Northrop; Bill Harper, Brown Engineering Company; Chas. E. Grainger, Brown Engineering Company; J. F. Peters, The Boeing Company; and J. M. Jones, Southern Bell Telephone Company.
A. R. Hanson, Assistant Regional Administrator for Housing Assistance, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Letter entitled, "Project No. CH-Ala-94(S)," sent to Philip Mason with an attachment: "Form HUD-4504, Insurance Guide" (Statement of Intent with Respect to a College Housing Loan Agreement), 1968-10-01 - 1968-10-04
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.
Department of Housing and Urban Development, "Project No. CH-Ala-94(S); Loan Agreement" Form, 1968-10-01
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.
Earl C. Jacoby, Director, Office of Finance, Letter entitled, "Project No. CH-Ala-94(S)," sent to J. Rufus Bealle, Attorney, University of Alabama, with an attachment: Deputy E. J. Moyle, Assistant Regional Administrator for Housing Assistance, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, College Housing Program, "Waiver No. 1 to the Loan Agreement", 1969-10-07 - 1969-10-22
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.
Harvie P. Jones, Jones and Herrin, Architects, A.I.A., Letter to Bob Vess, discussing the "UAH Interim Union Building" & the "Contractor's Progress Schedule", 1968-11-18
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.
Harvie P. Jones, Jones and Herrin, Architects, A.I.A., "Project Ch-ALA-94 S: Student Union Building (Interim), University of Alabama at Huntsville: February Progress Report - No. 5", 1969-03-07
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.
Robert B. Hand, Area Engineer, Metropolitan Development Office, Region III, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Two Letters about the Student Union Building Project sent to Philip M. Mason, 1968-09-26 - 1968-10-03
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.
Philip M. Mason, Memo, discussing the upcoming "Preconstruction Conference for Project No. CH-Ala-94(S) (Student Union Building)," sent to Mr. Gary C. Harkey, Mr. Earl C. Jacoby, Mr. Ray L. Langlois, & Mr. Robert L. Vess, 1968-10-07
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.
William Simmons, Memo entitled, "Interim Building Facilities," sent to Philip M. Mason, 1968-06-03
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.
First & Second Floor Plans for the Student Union Building
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.