Box 10
Contains 688 Results:
Robert H. Allgood, Letter to Philip M. Mason about going to "the Pre-Construction Conference" for the SEB & Library Project, 1968-03-13
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.
Lloyd H. Kranert, Letter to Gresham, Williams & Johnson Co., with an attachment: "List of Basic Subcontractors and Material Suppliers" for the SEB & Library Project, 1968-03-11
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.
Lloyd H. Kranert, Letter to Gresham, Williams & Johnson Company, requesting "that Mr. Frank Gresham, Mr. Paul Jernigan and any other personnel you desire be present" for the Pre-Construction Conference, 1968-03-11
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.
Curtis B. Herbert, Chief, Division of Supervision, State of Alabama Building Commission, "Construction Progress Schedule" sent to Northington, Smith, Kranert & Associates, 1968-05-20
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.
L.P. Aaberg & Lloyd H. Kranert, Memo discussing a "Meeting...with Mr. Ernest Hamilton, Mr. Arlen Kelly, Mr. Bob Foley, Mr. Moe Hasting and writers", 1967-09-05
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.
Lloyd H. Kranert, Letter to Philip Mason about "an invoice from Barrow-Agee Laboratories...for additional test borings required on the Library Building only" with the Invoice attached, 1968-01-15 - 1968-01-19
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.
Northington, Smith & Kranert, Architects, Invoice, 1968-01-19
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.
"Bid Tabulation" Chart for the SEB and Library, 1968-02-14
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.
Chart outlining the Square Footage of the SEB
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.
Lloyd H. Kranert, Letter to Charles W. Tolbert & James E. Yarbrough about the "Preconstruction Information for Owners, Division B8, Request for HHFA Concurrence in Proposed Award" for the Two Building Complex Project, 1968-02-22
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.