Box 10
Contains 688 Results:
Philip M. Mason, Letter to Lloyd Kranert about the Stacks in the Library, 1967-06-29
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.
Lloyd H. Kranert, Two Letters to the State of Alabama Building Commission about Review Comments for the First Floor Plan & Plans for the 2nd & 3rd Floors of the Library, 1967-05-03 - 1967-05-19
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.
(Mrs.) Christel L. McCanless, Letter to Lloyd H. Kranert about "a one-day trip to Clarksville, Tennessee, to visit a recently completed college library on the Austin Peay State College campus", 1967-05-05
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.
Lloyd H. Kranert, Letter entitled, "Re-Submission of Preliminary Submittal for Library Building University of Alabama - Huntsville Campus PSCA-3," sent to State of Alabama Building Commission, 1967-04-12
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.
Mrs. Christel L. McCanless, Memo to Dr. A. W. Braden about the Latest Developments on the Building Plans for the Library, 1967-04-17
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.
Lloyd H. Kranert, Letter to John R. Farris about Schematic Plans for the Library, 1967-03-08
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.
"Eighth Reinspection of Final Inspection and Year-End Inspection", 1971-04-08
"Present: Mr. Lloyd H. Kranert, Northington, Smith, Kranert and Associates; Mr. Bill Moody, Gresham, Williams and Johnson Company."
Correspondence between Bill Moody & Lloyd H. Kranert about the "Landscaping" for the SEB & Library Project, 1971-03-10 - 1971-03-26
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.
UAH, Library and Science, Engineering Classroom Building Construction Account, Balance Sheet/Statement of Operations, 1969-10-01 - 1969-10-31
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.
Earl C. Jacoby, Letter to Charles W. Moore, Program Officer, Higher Education Facilities, Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, Atlanta, Georgia, about "a certificate of project costs", 1971-05-10
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.