Box 11
Contains 995 Results:
Budget Sheet for the Project
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.
Original Budget/Proposed Revised Budget Sheet, 1968-07 - 1969-11
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.
Business Card for William G. Moffat, Assistant to the President, Smith & Sons Foods, Inc.
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.
Harvie P. Jones, Jones and Herrin, Architects, A.I.A., Letter to Robert Vess about Improvements for the UAH Interim Union & Graduate Studies Bldg., 1970-07-10
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.
R. A. Bryson, Bryson Construction Company, Inc., Letter to Jones and Herrin, Architects, A.I.A., about correcting "the roof leak at the Snack Bar, North West corner", 1970-11-17
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.
Billy Herrin, Jones and Herrin, Architects, A.I.A., "Transmittal Form" sent to Bryson Const. Co., with an attachment: "Copy of HUD Rq'mnts" (Requirements), 1969-10-17
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.
Philip M. Mason, Letter to Harvie P. Jones, "regarding rough estimates of pay schedules", 1968-11-18
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.
William W. Herrin, Jr., Letter to Philip M. Mason about the "serviceability of vinyl-impregnated cork-flooring", 1968-10-18
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.
Dr. Fokes - Superintendent, Macon Co. Schools, Oglethorpe, Georgia, Benton Garner - Alabama Materials Company, & Billy Herrin - Jones & Herrin, Architects, Summary of a "Trip to Determine Serviceability of Vinyl Impregnated- Cork Flooring", 1968-10-17
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.
Harvie P. Jones, Letter to Philip M. Mason, regarding Tests for the Building Pad, 1968-10-14
Community events and organizations artifacts, faculty and staff artifacts, financial records, Student Life artifacts, architecture artifacts, research institute artifacts, correspondence.