Box 16
Contains 355 Results:
Schweiger, G.; Wanders, K.; Wiegand, H. "The Application of Equidensitometry for Diagnosis of a Two-Phase Flow and a Flow of Low Density (Index 38)", 1973
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
Kietzmann, H. "Investigation into Phase Response Characteristics of a Platinotron (Index 39)", 1973
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
Queck, H. & Lehner, M. "Measurements of Short Wave Radiation Fluxes in the Free Atmosphere with 4-Channel-Radiosonde and Automatical Processing of the Results (Index 40)", 1973
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
"Proceedings of a Colloquium held at the DFVLR Research Centre Proz-Wahn on May 8, 1973 (Index 41)", 1973
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
Werner, Ch. "Basis of a Raman-Lidar-System (Index 42)", 1973
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
Gann, A. "On the Application of Hydrogen as a Fuel for Automotive Vehicles (Index 43)", 1973
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
Mahr, D. "Construction and Calibration of a Molecular Beam Mass Spectrometer System for Investigation of the Atmosphere of Thermionic Energy Converter (Index 44)", 1973
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
"Surface Phenomena in Thermionic Research (Index 45)", 1973
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
Weber, E. "Calibration of Three Component Strain Gage Balances for Measurements of Extremely Low Forces in Low Density Flows(Index 46)", 1973
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
Gabler, H.-D. "Application of Pulsed Holography for the Investigation of Dynamic Particle Fields (Index 47)", 1973
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.