Box 16
Contains 355 Results:
Maurer, F. "Heat Addition in Supersonic Flow by Means of Hydrogen Combustion on a Flat Plate in Tangential Flow (Index 188)", 1972
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
Straub, D. "Steady Laminar Hypersonic Boundary Layers Past an Axisymmetric Hyperboloid at Thermochemical Equilibrium (Index 189)", 1972
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
Koch, W. "Numerical Method of Characteristics with Consideration of Dissipative Terms (Index 190)", 1972
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
Schulz, G. & Wichmann, K. "Aerodynamic Comparison Between the Shape of Two Fuselage Rear Parts (Index 191)", 1972
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
"Paper on Fluid Dynamics, Espacelly on Boundary Layer Theory Part 1 (Index 192)", 1972
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
"Paper on Fluid Dynamics, Espacelly on Boundary Layer Theory Part 2 (Index 193)", 1972
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
Liebing, L. & Seidel, F. "Investigation of a low Power Plasma Accelerator (Index 194)", 1972
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
Straub, D. "Exact Equations for the Transport Coefficients of a Five-Component-Mixture as a Model Gas of Dissociated Air (Index 195)", 1972
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
Kroll, P. "Portion of Anticipatory Reaction to the Flight Stress and its Relation to Circadian Rhythm, Measured in Physiological Parameters (Index 196)", 1972
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
Hungenberg, H. & Weyer, H. "A Contactless Method for Controlling and Measuring the Real Gaps Between the Rotor Blades and the Casing of Turbomachines During Operation (Index 197)", 1972
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.