Box 18
Contains 65 Results:
UAH Research Institute Ground Breaking Ceremony, 1962-12-20
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
Hermann, Rudolf "annual Report 1962/163 University of Alabama Research Institute", 1963-05-21
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
Research Highlights Report, 1998 - 1999
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
"UAH Research Institute", 1993
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
"UAH Research Institute 1969", 1969-07
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
Picture of the the Saturn space craft at Montgomery capital building
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
Space Daily, 1966-09-06
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
News articles on Dr. von Braun, Nasa, and progress of the space Program, 1960 - 1980
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
Jahresbericht 1968 der Deutschen Versuchsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt "Institut für Raumsimulation", 1968
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
Jahresbericht 1968 der Deutschen Versuchsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt "Institut für Energiewandlung und Elektrische Antriebe", 1968
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.