Box 5
Contains 121 Results:
Newspaper articles found in "Alliierte Jagd auf Deutsche Wissenschaftler"
Biography of Karl Heimburg, pictures, newspaper and newsletter excerpts, artifacts pertaining to Heimburg's involvement in various NASA programs.
Correspondence found in " Russland muss man einfach glauben"
Biography of Karl Heimburg, pictures, newspaper and newsletter excerpts, artifacts pertaining to Heimburg's involvement in various NASA programs.
Correspondence and articles on David Irving found in "Bayerisches Lesebuch 2 Schuljahr"
Biography of Karl Heimburg, pictures, newspaper and newsletter excerpts, artifacts pertaining to Heimburg's involvement in various NASA programs.
Newspaper articles found in "Der Zweite Weltkrieg Band 1"
Biography of Karl Heimburg, pictures, newspaper and newsletter excerpts, artifacts pertaining to Heimburg's involvement in various NASA programs.
Postcard found in "vom Geheimnis der Elmau"
Biography of Karl Heimburg, pictures, newspaper and newsletter excerpts, artifacts pertaining to Heimburg's involvement in various NASA programs.
Correspondence found in "Ostfriesland in der Graphik von Ernst Petrich"
Biography of Karl Heimburg, pictures, newspaper and newsletter excerpts, artifacts pertaining to Heimburg's involvement in various NASA programs.
Articles found in "Israel: Die Geschichte eines Staates"
Biography of Karl Heimburg, pictures, newspaper and newsletter excerpts, artifacts pertaining to Heimburg's involvement in various NASA programs.
Correspondence found in "Die Schoensten Sagen des Klassischen Altertums"
Biography of Karl Heimburg, pictures, newspaper and newsletter excerpts, artifacts pertaining to Heimburg's involvement in various NASA programs.
Correspondence and Photos found in "HB Bildatlas: Danzig, Ostsee, Masuren"
Biography of Karl Heimburg, pictures, newspaper and newsletter excerpts, artifacts pertaining to Heimburg's involvement in various NASA programs.
Writings found in "Das aerztliche Hausbuch"
Biography of Karl Heimburg, pictures, newspaper and newsletter excerpts, artifacts pertaining to Heimburg's involvement in various NASA programs.