Box 5
Contains 121 Results:
Drawings removed from "Jahrtausende blicken euch an"
Biography of Karl Heimburg, pictures, newspaper and newsletter excerpts, artifacts pertaining to Heimburg's involvement in various NASA programs.
Removed from "Grosse Kunstgeschichte der Welt"
Biography of Karl Heimburg, pictures, newspaper and newsletter excerpts, artifacts pertaining to Heimburg's involvement in various NASA programs.
Removed from "Deutsche Kunst"
Biography of Karl Heimburg, pictures, newspaper and newsletter excerpts, artifacts pertaining to Heimburg's involvement in various NASA programs.
Articles and recipes removed from "Handbuch der Brauerei-Praxis"
Biography of Karl Heimburg, pictures, newspaper and newsletter excerpts, artifacts pertaining to Heimburg's involvement in various NASA programs.
Correspondence found in "Wiederaufbau und Neubau der TH Darmstadt"
Biography of Karl Heimburg, pictures, newspaper and newsletter excerpts, artifacts pertaining to Heimburg's involvement in various NASA programs.
Writing removed from "Die Rakete vol. 8 no. 2"
Biography of Karl Heimburg, pictures, newspaper and newsletter excerpts, artifacts pertaining to Heimburg's involvement in various NASA programs.
Photo of Karl Heimburg found in one of Ruth Heimburg's Passports
Biography of Karl Heimburg, pictures, newspaper and newsletter excerpts, artifacts pertaining to Heimburg's involvement in various NASA programs.
Description by Klaus Heimburg found in RAD (Reichsarbeitsdienst) Camp photo journal
Biography of Karl Heimburg, pictures, newspaper and newsletter excerpts, artifacts pertaining to Heimburg's involvement in various NASA programs.
Description by Klaus Heimburg found in "Kleiner Fuehrer durch Japan"
Biography of Karl Heimburg, pictures, newspaper and newsletter excerpts, artifacts pertaining to Heimburg's involvement in various NASA programs.
Correspondence found in "Way Station to Space"
Biography of Karl Heimburg, pictures, newspaper and newsletter excerpts, artifacts pertaining to Heimburg's involvement in various NASA programs.