Box 4
Contains 118 Results:
Adorjan, A. S. "Directional Behavior of Thermal Emission from a Rough Lunar Surface", 1971-05-19 - 1971-09-27
This collection contains mission reports and scientific papers relating to the career of Bill Jones. The materials cover his involvement with the Surveyor mission and various other optics related activities.
Sexl, Hannelore & Sexl, Roman U. "Directional Characteristics of Lunar Nighttime Radiation (AIAA Paper No. 69-597)", 1969-06-16 - 1969-06-18
This collection contains mission reports and scientific papers relating to the career of Bill Jones. The materials cover his involvement with the Surveyor mission and various other optics related activities.
Burkhard, Donald G. & Sexl, Roman U. "The Lunar Photometric Function (AIAA Paper No. 69-596)", 1969-06-16 - 1969-06-18
This collection contains mission reports and scientific papers relating to the career of Bill Jones. The materials cover his involvement with the Surveyor mission and various other optics related activities.
Harrison, James K. "Effect of the Moon's infrared Emission on Thermal Calculations", 1969-05-19
This collection contains mission reports and scientific papers relating to the career of Bill Jones. The materials cover his involvement with the Surveyor mission and various other optics related activities.
Harrison, James K. "Non-Diffuse Infrared Emission from the Lunar Surface", 1968-06-26 - 1968-11-04
This collection contains mission reports and scientific papers relating to the career of Bill Jones. The materials cover his involvement with the Surveyor mission and various other optics related activities.
Sexl, Roman U. & Sexl, Hannelore "A Crater Model for Lunar Thermal Radiation (AIAA Paper No. 69-598)", 1969-06-16 - 1969-06-18
This collection contains mission reports and scientific papers relating to the career of Bill Jones. The materials cover his involvement with the Surveyor mission and various other optics related activities.
Fountain, James A. & West, Edward A. "Thermal Conductivity, Thermal Diffusivity, and Specific Heat of Lunar Sample", 1978-03-13 - 1978-03-17
This collection contains mission reports and scientific papers relating to the career of Bill Jones. The materials cover his involvement with the Surveyor mission and various other optics related activities.
French, Bevan M. "What's New on the Moon?", 1977-03 - 1977-04
This collection contains mission reports and scientific papers relating to the career of Bill Jones. The materials cover his involvement with the Surveyor mission and various other optics related activities.
El-Baz, Farouk "The Moon after Apollo", 1974-09-17
This collection contains mission reports and scientific papers relating to the career of Bill Jones. The materials cover his involvement with the Surveyor mission and various other optics related activities.
Gary, Bruce L. & Keihm, Stephen J. "Interpretation of Ground-Based Microwave Measurements of the Moon using a Detailed Regolith Properties Model", 1978
This collection contains mission reports and scientific papers relating to the career of Bill Jones. The materials cover his involvement with the Surveyor mission and various other optics related activities.