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Special collection MC-19


Contains 24 Results:

Dyke's Aircraft Engine Instructor, 1929

 Item — Special Collection: MC-19, Book: 078, Book: Catalog Number: TBD
Identifier: 20180006
Scope and Contents Document Type: Technical Textbook Authority: Author (Instructional reference)Scope: "This book deals principally with aircraft gasoline engines and their accessories, such as carburetors, magnetos, starters, etc., the idea being to familiarize the student, the mechanic, and the public in general, who are mechanically inclined, with the construction and the principle of operation of the modern gasoline engine designed for aircraft work.Many will want to know more about...
Dates: Publication: 1929

Dyke's Aircraft Engine Instructor, 1928

 Item — Special Collection: MC-19, Book: 077, Book: Catalog Number: TBD
Identifier: 20180005
Scope and Contents Document Type: Technical Textbook Authority: Author (Instructional reference)Scope: "This book deals principally with aircraft gasoline engines and their accessories, such as carburetors, magnetos, starters, etc., the idea being to familiarize the student, the mechanic, and the public in general, who are mechanically inclined, with the construction and the principle of operation of the modern gasoline engine designed for aircraft work.Many will want to know more about...
Dates: Publication: 1928

Aero Engines: With A General Introductory Account of the Theory of the Internal Combustion Engine (Eighth Edition), 1917

 Item — Special Collection: MC-19, Book: 076, Book: Catalog Number: TBD
Identifier: 20180004
Abstract PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. A short course of lectures on Aero Engines was given by the author at the Northampton Polytechnic Institute during 1914. On the suggestion of Mr Charles E. Larard, M.Inst.C.E., M,I.M.E., Head of the Engineering Department, the matter contained in these lectures - necessarily somewhat rearranged and largely extended-is now issued in book form, in the hope that it may be found of assistance to a wider circle of readers.The engines are classified as...
Dates: Publication: 1917

The Curtiss D-12 Aero Engine, 1972

 Item — Special Collection: MC-19, Book: 093, Book: Catalog Number: TBD
Identifier: 20212026
Scope and Contents Document Type: Historical Monograph Document Number: Smithsonian Annals of Flight #7The date 28 September 1923 is an important one in the annals of aviation. On that day, at Cowes in England, the sixth international race for the Schneider Cup was held, and on that day the Schneider race changed drastically from a contest to evaluate speed, reliability, and navigability of seaplanes to an all-out, high-speed competition between world powers.This change was brought...
Dates: Publication: 1972

Pilot's Powerplant Manual, 1942

 Item — Special Collection: MC-19, Book: 094, Book: Catalog Number: TBD
Identifier: 20212027
Scope and Contents Document Type: Pilot's Manual Authority: Government Regulator (authoritative reference) Document Number: Civil Aeronautics Bulletin No. 28Preface: "This manual has been prepared for use as a textbook in the Civilian Pilot Training Program. Specifically, it is designed for use in the ground school work of the controlled restricted commercial course of the program. However, the book should be of great assistance to all flying students preparing for the examinations required for...
Dates: Publication: 1942

The Liberty Engine: 1918 - 1942, 1968

 Item — Special Collection: MC-19, Book: 095, Book: Catalog Number: TBD
Identifier: 20212030
Scope and Contents Document Type: Historical Monograph Document Number: Smithsonian Annals of Flight, Volume 1, Number 3Foreword: "In this third number of the Smithsonian Annals of Flight, Philip S. Dickey tells the history of America's remarkable contribution to early aviation, the Liberty engine, the original model of which is now in the Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum.In delineating the history of the engine from its brilliant conception through its role in...
Dates: Publication: 1968

Aviation Fuels and their effects on Engine Performance (Revised Edition), 1951

 Item — Special Collection: MC-19, Book: 097, Book: Catalog Number: TBD
Identifier: 20220602
Scope and Contents Document Type: Technical Monograph Book Authority: Manufacturer (authoritative reference)From Note on page 2: "Provides information concerning the more important properties of aviation fuel, and covers in particular those properties which are of most interest to the user of the fuel. This booklet was first issued during the latter part of World War II and was produced on contract at the joint request of the U.S.A.A.F. and Bureau of Aeronautics, U. S. Navy. The first issue is out...
Dates: Publication: 1951

The Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine and its Operation, 1952-06, 1958-02

 Item — Special Collection: MC-19, Book: 098, Book: Catalog Number: TBD
Identifier: 20220214
Scope and Contents Document Type: Operations Handbook and Manual Authority: Manufacturer (authoritative reference) Document Number: PWA Operating Instruction 200 (PWA Part No. 182408) From the Preface: “The Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine and Its Operation, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Operating Instructions 200, has been rewritten to provide aircraft flight and ground crews with a practical basic manual for aircraft gas turbine engines. Numerous good texts are available to the student of theory and...
Dates: Publication: 1952-06; Modified: 1958-02

Principles and Problems of Aircraft Engines, 1931

 Item — Special Collection: MC-19, Book: 074, Book: Catalog Number: TBD
Identifier: 20180002
Topics Non-technical general technical book intended for mechanics and pilots. Chapters include:I. Elementary Theory and Design of Aircraft Engines II. Valve Timing III. Firing Orders IV. Ignition Timing V. Aircraft Magnetos VI. Carburetion VII. Aircraft Engine Carburetors VIII. Supercharges IX. Lubrication X. Trouble Shooting XI. The Pratt & Whitney Hornet Engine XII. The Kinner K-5 Engine. XIII. The Parckard Diesel Engine XIV. Propellers XV. Glossary oF Aircraft...
Dates: Publication: 1931

Aircraft Engines: Volume One, 1940

 Item — Special Collection: MC-19, Book: 075, Book: Catalog Number: TBD
Identifier: 20180003
Topics Document Type: TextbookFrom Preface: "The object of the present book, which is the first of two volumes on aircraft engines, is an endeavour to present the principles and results of relevant research work upon internal combustion engines, for the benefit of those entering or already engaged in aircraft engineering work. It is also written in order to fill a gap existing in aeronautical literature, between the more advanced specialist books on theory and design and the elementary...
Dates: Publication: 1940