Box 2
Contains 165 Results:
Paper 305 - Beyerle, K. "Stellungnahme zur Frage des Steuerkreisels fuer die Flugkoerper des A-4 Programms", 1944
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
paper 306 - Muehlner, J. "Arbeitsweise des Verdopplers I (Flugzeug-Versuch) und Planung des neuen Verdopplers II fuer A-4" (Paper not present), 1941
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 307 - Woerdemann, H. "Entwicklungsbericht ueber Vermessungsempfaenger VE", 1943
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 308 - Harmans, J. "Bericht ueber die Entwicklung einer Robinson-Frequenz-messbruecke zur Geschwindigkeitsmessung", 1941
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 309 - Boehm, J. "Report on the Steering Servo Motor Transmission Guided Missile A-4 (V2)", 1946
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 310 - Schwidestsky, W. Das Integrationsgeraet des I.f.S.", 1943
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 311 - Kirschstein, F. "Die Geschwindigkeitsmesseinrichtung des Institutes fuer Schwingungsforschung fuer senkrechten Start des A-5", 1941
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 312 - Kirschstein, F. "Die Messung der Aggregatgeschwindigkeit beim Flug eines Aggregats A-5 am 16.11.1941 mit dem Beschleunigungs-Integrations-Geraet des IfS" (Paper not present", 1942
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 313 - Stuhlinger, E. "Schussweitenfehler bei einfacher Integration der Beschleunigung in Achsrichtung", 1943
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 314 - Kirschstein, F. "Zeitkorrektur beim I-Geraet v. KG", 1943
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.