Box 2
Contains 165 Results:
Paper 325 - Strobel, R. "Zusammenstellung der Flugbahndaten der Schuesse ab V 40 bis zum 15.9.44 - Flugbahnberechnung und Auswertung" (Paper not present), 1944
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 326 - Muehlner, J. "9. Bericht ueber die elektrische Vermessung der Flugbahn Verdoppler I - Verdoppler II fuer A-4", 1941
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 327 - Wolman, W. "Ueber elektrische Vermessung der Flugbahn - Drallsichere Bahnvermessung", 1943
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 328 - von Braun, W. "Einsatz von A-4 mit 4 Luftrudern", 1943
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 145 - Wolman, W. "Zum derzeitigen flugmechanischen Stand des Funkbrennschlusses Richtiger Bahnwinken und Aufstellung der B.S. Anlange", 1944
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 330 - Hueter, Hackh, Heller, G. "Arbeitsbricht der Versuchsabteilung fuer den Monat Oktober 1941", 1941
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 331 - Bruetzel, Steinhoff, Wachernagel, Neubert, Hoelzer, Mueller, W. "Arbeits-Bericht der Abteilung BSM fuer den Monat Maerz 1940 - Peenemuende", 1940
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 332 - Bergmann, N. "Steuerungsuntersuchungen-Bericht Nr. 128 - Weiterer Bericht ueber die Aussteuerbarkeit des maximalen Seitenwindes beim Aggregat A-4", 1943
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 333 - von, Braun, W. "Bau von V-Mustern mit 4 Luftrudern", 1943
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 334 - Friedrich, H. Geissler, E. "Massnahme zur Vermeidung des Dralls beim A-4", 1943
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.