Box 3
Contains 253 Results:
Paper 568 - Graupe, N. "Eine Gleiterbahn bis zum Abfangen", 1941
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 569 - Thiel, A. "Einfluss des Brennschluss-Bahnwinkels (theta sub B) auf die Flugweite des A9 mit Salbeiantrieb", 1943
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 570 - Thiel, A. "Einfluss des Brennschluss-Bahnwinkels (theta sub B) auf die Flugweite des A9 mit Sauerstoddantrieb", 1943
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 571 - Geissler, E. Ludwig, G. "Vergleichende Betrachtungen ueber die drei Arten der Laengssteuerung von Gleitkoerpern; Anstellwinkel, Lage und Staudruck", 1941
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
paper 572 - Udet, E. "Zusammenarbeit zwischen Heeresversuchsstelle Peenemuende und Fa. Fieseler Flugzeugbau, Kassel", 1941
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 573 - von Braun, W. "Besuch des Generalstabsing. Lucht bei der Heeresversuchstelle Peenemuende", 1941
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 574 - Thiel, A. "Moeglichst guenstige Flugbahngestaltung beim Gleiter: Schwingungsfreie Gleitbahnen", 1942
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 575 - Graupe, N. "5 Flugbahnen des Gleiters A4V12/a", 1940
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
paper 576 - Hild, N. "Erwaermung der nutzlastspitze des Gleiters A4 waehrend des Fluges", 1941
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 577 - Dahm, W. "The Roots of Our Center", 1990
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.