Box 4
Contains 231 Results:
Paper 763-Schubert, Min.-Rat G. "Reisebericht ueber die Dienstreise nach Salzburg und Graz vom 12.-20.9. 1943 (Hoehlen-Projekte", 1943-09-20
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 764-Steinhoff, E. "Schwerpunktsbildung in der Entwicklung", 1944-09-07
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 765-Steinhoff, E. "Richtgeber- Auswandern durch Erddrehung (Schusstafel-Korrekturen/STEUDING)", 1945-01-11
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 766-Strobel, R. "Faustformeln fuer die Schnellauswertung des Sondergeraetes", 1944-10-04
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 767- Strobel, R. "Faustformeln fuer die Schnellauswertung des Sondergeraetes", 1944-10-04
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 768- Thiel, W. "Ersatz der Pumpendampfanlage P1V im A4", 1942-05-01
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 769- Thiel, W. "Anordnung Nr. 43/ET: Stammbuch fuer A4-Geraet", 1942-09-14
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 770- von Braun, W. "Die bisherige Entwicklung und der augenblickliche Stand der Arbeiten an der Fluessigkeitsrakete", 1933-12-14
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 771- von Braun, W. "Vorbereitung von MESSINA-Schuessen auf Land-Erprobungs-Batterie", 1944-09-27
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 772- Barkhausen, H. "Theorie der Schaltungen" (Paper not present), 1931
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.