Box 4
Contains 231 Results:
Paper 803- Goddard, R. "A Method of Reaching Extreme Altitudes--" (Paper not present), 1919
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 804- Grimsehl, E. "Lehrbuch der Physik, Band I-", 1965
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 805- Hohmann, W. "Die Erreichbarkeit der Himmelskoerper-" (Paper not present), 1925
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 806- Irving, D. Milch, E. "Die Tragodie der Deutschen Luftwaffe" (Paper not present) , 1970
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 807- Keynes, J. "The Economic Consequences of the Peace-" (Paper not present), 1919
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 808- Kjellen, R. "Die Grossmaechte vor und nach dem Weltkriege" (Paper not present), 1930
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 809- Lasswitz, A. "Auf zwei Planeten" (Paper not present), 1968
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 810- Lentin, A. "Lloyd George, Woodrow Wilson and the Guilt of Germany"(Paper not present), 1985
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 811- Ley, W. "Rockets, Missiles, and Man in Space" (Paper not present), 1968
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.
Paper 812- Nebel, R. "Die Narren von Tegel" (Paper not present), 1972
This collection consists of two large parts, one half being Dr. Reisig's personal papers and notes, and the second half being a collection of books kept by Dr. Reisig. Alongside this there are also a handful of artifacts and maps.